Friday, June 30, 2017

2017, Love Letter 8

Come to me with chocolate
Any day, every day.

What a lovely prize;
what a sweet surprise!

Your kindness marks you. 

It betrays your heart, 
And its goodness

For all to see -
and take courage from.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

2017, Love Letter 7

Humble yourself.
Have faith.
And trust that the Lord
Will lift you up -
Higher than you can imagine,
With air so fresh, so sweet -
the much needed, soul renewal.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

2017, Love Letter 6

I should have been happier to see you.
Deep down, I was. Your sweet smile,
And loud laugh - so unique, so filling.

But I was hoping you were gone -
Already in flight.

With your departure, we could count
On the absence of an ill-tempered,
Ill-managed soul.

And not that you should carry the
weight all your own,
But - to an extent - you have;
and we’ve all come to rely on you
as the buffer.

I know it eats your soul.
Sleepless nights. Your skin crawls.

I’m not sure how, but find your light.
Run to it. Embrace it.
Show the courage you require of me.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

2017, Love Letter 5

Before it was time,
we spoke - of fun, of fear,
of growth and change.

So much reality to digest
before even the morning
was comfortable with itself.

Such a serious way to start the day;
Such a sad way to start the year.

Monday, June 26, 2017

2017, Love Letter 4

Thinking of your free past -
it makes me smile.

You smile through the
formal present - I think,
feeding on the fun of
the past.

So many stories.
So many memories.

Time to mature - to find
yourself and what you
really wanted; and then,
when you knew, you
claimed it - without reserve.

I admire your spirit -
Your ability to embrace -
and to let go.