She’s been writing love letters since her adolescent days. At first, they were full of hope and dreams. The kinds of thoughts a young woman can’t help but have in a world that dramatizes romantic love as real love. It’s an easy package to deliver: finding “the one” that will fulfill all the longings of your heart and be the person you’ll life partner with as you travel through life’s experiences.
Everyone tells you that hard times will come, even the dramas tell you that hard times may come; but it is no matter, because “Love conquers all.”
But she learned that romantic love doesn’t have the stamina to weather hard times; it is the choice to Love, the choice to trust Love, that really makes getting through to the other side of storms in life in one piece possible.
And that kind of love, real love, isn’t easy at all.
After surviving a few of those storms and looking back to review the experiences, she realized that there is beauty to be found even in the midst of the dark, scary times.
Love’s light, though covered by black clouds, can be seen in the silver-lined moments of faith and trust.
The choice to love yourself and to love others, no matter what circumstances arise, is a commitment unlike any other. And it dawned on her, that these moments should be recorded as well, as Love Letters.
She wanted to remember moments of choosing real love, whether it was in the happy times or in the storms, so she started writing a blog.
She wanted to remember moments of choosing real love, whether it was in the happy times or in the storms, so she started writing a blog.
In this blog, she recorded moments of appreciation for other people who shared the path of life with her. She wrote about the heat of passion, searing her soul with desire. She honored the memory of what had been, what could have been. And, of course, she said “I love you” in a dozen ways, all with their own specific essence.
In the summer of 2011, she decided to pursue her writing career with more fervor. In the time that she had been posting directly to the blog, readers had mentioned how much courage they took away from the words that were written, so she decided her first publication would be a compilation of Love Letters.
In the summer of 2011, she decided to pursue her writing career with more fervor. In the time that she had been posting directly to the blog, readers had mentioned how much courage they took away from the words that were written, so she decided her first publication would be a compilation of Love Letters.
You can stay in touch with J. A. Busfield on Facebook.