Thursday, July 6, 2017

2017, Love Letter 14

Always with me, my budding giant.
I’m so proud of your development, your growth.
All the changes that come and go where I see you choose to rise -

Above yesterday…
Above yourself…
Above Autism…

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

2017, Love Letter 13

I can’t write about you.

I only want to say good things -
But what comes to mind is a myriad
Of reasons why you’re lacking;
Why I’m lacking with you;
Why we’re lacking together.

Being apart gives us time to grow,
To develop - to survive; and maybe - THRIVE.

But none of this leads to resolution…

Always a meandering path, away from an END;
Always seen as an end,
Instead of the beginning it COULD BE.

The avoidance of finality exhausts me.
And in my fatigue, I look for the good,
The positive - whatever could be a lift…
From the weights around my neck -

The heaviness that pulls me into the depth.

So, it’s best not to write.
Not to think.
Not to talk.
Avoid - and sleep.

Safer. No end.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

2017, Love Letters 12

We’ve had a journey of learning.
All of us - in ways we didn’t really expect.

Patience has been the key.
And a healthy dose of perseverance.

A strong spirit of trying - and trying again.
And trying - one more time.

Breaks matter.
Going back to it even more.

We adjust. We grow. We prune.
We thrive.

Monday, July 3, 2017

2017, Love Letters 11

Another moment of 
understanding how to
fill my gaps. No
questions. No frustrated
or hateful responses. Oh,
please let me be like you
when my time comes
to deliver the same. Unbiased
love. Thank you for showing
me support. Kindness.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

2017, Love Letter 10

You’re such a weird story -
Hurt and frustration,
Light and life - and love.

You parcel out only what you think
others deserve -
based on a score card,
only you see and understand.

You hold your hand close -
so close;
and you lash out.

Why do you feel threatened?

Demand respect;
And offer respect - with generosity.
If that’s what you want.

Honesty will treat you well -
with time and patience.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

2017, Love Letter 9

My creative friend -
Don’t wait.

Forget the rules.
Take a break from the tie.

Be you.
Be free.

Say the words that bubble on your heart.
Sing the songs of your youth.

Remember the path from before -
and wander on it - for the fun,
for the LOVE of it.

Gather the hearts of those you treasure,
and light them on fire -
with your passion and persuasion.

Friday, June 30, 2017

2017, Love Letter 8

Come to me with chocolate
Any day, every day.

What a lovely prize;
what a sweet surprise!

Your kindness marks you. 

It betrays your heart, 
And its goodness

For all to see -
and take courage from.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

2017, Love Letter 7

Humble yourself.
Have faith.
And trust that the Lord
Will lift you up -
Higher than you can imagine,
With air so fresh, so sweet -
the much needed, soul renewal.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

2017, Love Letter 6

I should have been happier to see you.
Deep down, I was. Your sweet smile,
And loud laugh - so unique, so filling.

But I was hoping you were gone -
Already in flight.

With your departure, we could count
On the absence of an ill-tempered,
Ill-managed soul.

And not that you should carry the
weight all your own,
But - to an extent - you have;
and we’ve all come to rely on you
as the buffer.

I know it eats your soul.
Sleepless nights. Your skin crawls.

I’m not sure how, but find your light.
Run to it. Embrace it.
Show the courage you require of me.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

2017, Love Letter 5

Before it was time,
we spoke - of fun, of fear,
of growth and change.

So much reality to digest
before even the morning
was comfortable with itself.

Such a serious way to start the day;
Such a sad way to start the year.

Monday, June 26, 2017

2017, Love Letter 4

Thinking of your free past -
it makes me smile.

You smile through the
formal present - I think,
feeding on the fun of
the past.

So many stories.
So many memories.

Time to mature - to find
yourself and what you
really wanted; and then,
when you knew, you
claimed it - without reserve.

I admire your spirit -
Your ability to embrace -
and to let go.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

2017, Love Letter 3

I didn’t forget you.

How could I when your smile stands out in a sea of selfies, so handsome and warm?

Your smile is so familiar, yet each one tells me something a little bit different, shows me that you’re hiding something new.

I try not to focus on how uneasy that makes me feel inside. 

It doesn’t matter, right? I’m so far removed your secrets can’t touch me.


I try to leave behind the uneasy feeling by thinking about your warmth instead…

The familiarity of your embrace and how we laugh together.

The sureness of your walk and how I’m calmed by your confidence.

The softness of your sun-kissed skin and how touching it feels like home.

I remember the way you played the strings and sang the songs, and how – just for a minute – my heart believed.

But I know better now. 

Doubt seldom leaves room for trust.

Monday, February 27, 2017

2017, Love Letter 2

It’s been a while, a good long while, but I’d like to resume my sisterly role in your life and punch you in the nose. Only hard enough that it leaves a black eye.

You’ve forgotten your place.
You’re not seeing things clearly.

And I think, if you had a black eye to look at when you see yourself in the mirror, you’d remember who you are and what you’ve worked for – what’s at stake.

I feel like it would help you remember the difference between long and short term consequences.

Your eye – would heal.
Hearts – take longer; sometimes, never do.

With your actions, your choices, you’re turning the hearts of those around you – those who love you – black and blue with pain and sorrow.

Nicely done, bruh. 

That’s a pretty big mess you’re leaving behind…and for what?

Can you please explain to me why – WHY – you’re digging your hole deeper? What could possibly be worth the value you’re tossing aside? Seriously. WTF, man?

I speak as one of the wounded hearts you’ve left behind. Your damage is harsh, and some wounds never heal. Don’t be surprised when you wake up from this lapse and realize you had other choices.

I get it – life is stuffy. The weight of responsibility is crushing. Choosing others over self over and over again can leave you soul-weary. But there are other avenues…

For example, I could have just given you the black eye, talked some sense into you, helped support your heart in it’s struggle for space to move and air to breathe, but…

My heart is one of those left behind in your wake.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

2017, Love Letter 1

My heart hurts for you.

It hopes for so much more.
I want you to be happy.

Healthy – making good decisions.
Embracing all the good in front of you –
Within you.

I feel you under my skin.
Next to my heart.

I’m nervous, because I feel the darkness growing,
Blowing out, billowing, swirling around –
Claiming ground.

I’m captured by your smile.
The light in your eyes – the question.

Hope. Anticipation – of what’s to come,
The possible best.

Guard your heart, my dear.
To obtain the best, we must fight the worst.
The battle is NOT for the faint of heart.

I want you. Whole and winning.

I can feel the darkness with you.
But I can’t fight the darkness for you.

I can send you light and love, but alone they are not enough.
You must fight, reclaim, advance – shine your own light.